Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Jig Saw Puzzle

The pieces are made. Layers of 3/8" and 3/4" marine plywood. The wood came from the dumpster.

I started with making a pattern from a piece of cardboard. Trace it and cut it out with the bandsaw. Take the piece back and trim material away until it fits.

All need to be labeled and the order they are going to be put back.

Below you can see the two main methods of wood removal; belt sander and jig saw.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Fencing, not with an épée.

The great thing about a foot plus of snow on the ground is that it keeps you mostly confined to the areas you have shoveled, the shortest distances between two points. Car, house and garage were the options and so statistics would show that I would then have a greater concentration of effort on the garage and there within Whoopee. Now with the sun out longer other things are taking a little attention.
The snow banks in the parking lot next door prohibited Megan and I from finishing the section of fence we wanted to build in the Fall. With its melting and the soon to be blossoming leaves it seemed a good time to get some of it done (the bushes/trees are very close to the fence, leaves blossoming would add an additional challenge).